Monday, July 30, 2012

Looks Like Henri Rousseau

This is the flamingo enclosure at the San Diego zoo.

Henri Rousseau's images of plants came similarly from urban gardens.

Henri Julien Félix Rousseau (May 21, 1844 – September 2, 1910), French.

Looks Like Diebenkorn

This street is mysteriously devoid of cars.  The image is of a street flying into the air.

Richard Diebenkorn (April 22, 1922 – March 30, 1993), American.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Looks like Rothko

This is a painted barn in Sweden.

Lots of red.  Other blocks of color.  No wheelbarrow.  Or if there's a wheelbarrow, it's early Rothko.

 Mark Rothko, born Marcus Rothkowitz (1903 – 1970), Russian-American.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Looks Like Giorgione

It wasn't just any Giorgione I thought she looked like. This is a woman on the London underground. Giorgione; born Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco (c. 1477/8 – 1510[1]), Venetian.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Looks Like Picasso

This is a photograph of a store window in Florence.

This photograph is like a Picasso collage with words and objects mixed together in a haphazard way.  The sign in the window says that you may commission someone to do trompe l'oeil painting in your house.

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, known as Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973), Spanish.

Looks Like Masaccio

Clearly in my photo I am trying to achieve the same effect of perspective as Masaccio in his painting, and it is specifically the painting of perspective that sets this painting apart.  The guard in my photo may be regarded as a patron.  Now if I could only get Rodin's The Thinker to point in the other direction.

Masaccio (1401 –  1428), born Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone, Italian.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Looks Like Piet Mondrian

This photo was taken from the train while crossing to Venice.

The photo is much less austere, but it is still all shapes, lines and blocks of color.

Pieter Cornelis "Piet" Mondriaan, after 1906 Mondrian (1872 – 1944), Dutch.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Looks Like Leonardo da Vinci

OMG.  This is uncanny.  I was playing my game and for some reason thought she looked like something from Leonardo.  But seeing her next to Mona, they look strangely similar, down to the enigmatic smile.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519), Italian.

My woman is sitting in front of this fountain before the Pantheon in Rome.

Looks Like Jackson Pollock

This is a photograph of the fireworks from the Venice Redentore.

If Pollock painted on a black canvas.  Maybe.

Paul Jackson Pollock (1912 – 1956) American.

Looks Like Caravaggio

This is rotting fruit photographed in my dining room.

This is the famous Caravaggio still life that establishes still life as a genre.  My fruit is also ready to throw away, though it needs some grapes.

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (29 September 1571 – 18 July 1610) Milanese.

Looks Like Canaletto

This is the Grand Canal in Venice.

Giovanni Antonio Canaletto (1697 - 1768) was most famous for his outdoor paintings of Venice, though he certainly painted other cities.  His paintings don't show any construction cranes, but in the modern world we would have to Photoshop them out.  The feeling of boats everywhere amid elegant palaces with rounded or pointed windows you can capture with your camera.  Perhaps some of the palazzi are the same.

Giovanni Antonio Canal (28 October 1697 – 19 April 1768) better known as Canaletto, Venetian.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Looks Like Gustav Klimt

My picture was taken in London in December and modified in Picasa.

I can't decide which Klimt painting I like best.   The comparison is based on the tiny bits of bright colors that make up any Klimt painting.

 Gustav Klimt (July 14, 1862– February 6, 1918) Austrian.

Looks Like Edward Hopper

In this case the association to Hopper preceded the photo. The view out my hotel window in San Francisco just reminded me of the painting.

 Edward Hopper (July 22, 1882 – May 15, 1967)  American.

Looks Like Mary Cassatt

This picture was taken in the coffee shop at the Tate Modern in London.  I tried very hard to get it to come out without appearing conspicuous.  This is the best I could do.

With Mary it is always the mother who cares for the baby, but his loving expression could not be more perfect. In this picture the association to Cassatt came long after I had taken the picture, and is based entirely on the subject matter.

 Mary Stevenson Cassatt (1844 – 1926) American.

Looks Like John Constable

Above is my photograph of the Columbia River taken from an airplane on approach to the airport in Portland.  Below is an actual John Constable painting.  The main similarities are the roiling clouds, present in practically all Constable landscapes, and the green and brown colors.  Obviously, Constable has not done any aerial views. I made the association when I first saw the photo after I had downloaded it.

John Constable (1776-1837) English.

"When I sit down to make a sketch from nature, the first thing I try to do is to forget that I have ever seen a picture".